
  • LRM® 비파괴진단검사
    • 크레인용 로프
    • 물류이송 및
      인양설비용 로프
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      해상설비용 로프
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      건축시설용 로프
KCR-LRM® 자기로프검사(MRT)

Wire Ropes for Boom Luffing, Floating Crane

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일22-09-06 16:23 조회139회 댓글0건


The MRT inspection of Fixed Boom Wire Ropes was conducted from 08/08/2022 to 15/08/2022 by LRM-NDE  with cooperation from KCR.
Specially designed two MH-100 measuring heads with a built-in recorder and Wifi communication with a Panasonic CF-19 real-time data visualization device were used to perform the inspection. The measuring heads are designed for MRT of wire ropes with a diameter of 70mm and a minimum distance between wires of 190mm-218mm.
LRM-NDE-WS winches with a maximum load capacity of up to 300kg, adjustable speed from 0-0.7m/s, with a maximum rope length of 300m were used to pull the measuring heads in two directions.
The support rope and pulleys system was set up so that the measuring head could be pulled on the tested wire ropes. The boom-side block was sandwiched between the wire ropes before the start of the next inspection so that the support rope would pass through in the correct place. Due to difficult access to the middle block, the rope pulley on  was positioned in the middle between the rows of wire ropes during all inspections on middle block side. For the safe operation of the measuring head mounting team on the boom tip and also for maximum tension on the tested wire ropes, the Boom Port side and Starboard side were set at 30 degrees during the inspection.


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